
Friday, April 28, 2006

My Bag ...

How many bags do you have? I have 5 or so, but usually use only 3 of them. Today, I'm gonna write what I found recently. My favorite shoulder bag, I bought in Machida, has a problem. That is, some guys use similar or completely the same bag of mine! It was 2weeks ago that I found a guy using the same bag as mine for the first time. I wore the bag, too, so I felt shame a little bit. What was more surprising, the guy was my good friend!! I'm paying attention not to use that bag when he and I have the same class... However, as the day passes, the more guys using the bags or like that I find... Have you ever had such experiences something you wear or have doubled? Idon't want to be like that, so I will buy some bag that won't be double!!

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