
Friday, January 12, 2007


Now I'll talk about BSE problem. I think that it is O.K. to accept American beef because of three reasons---Japanese good quality check system, our lack of knowledge and our everlastingly desire of comsumption of meat. First, Japanese check system of BSE cows has very good quality so if we import American dangerous beaf Japanese BSE checker will help us to infect BSE desease. Second,we won't be able to judge if that meat is dangerous or not because of our lack of expert knowledge.We just buy packed meat so there is no difference for us comsumers whether Japan will accept American beaf. Third, our desire to want to eat beaf will not end off.Nowadays our life is full of meat so we can't put up with NO-MEAT life. Because of these reasons, I think there is no prolem to import American beaf.

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