
Friday, January 19, 2007

Coming of Age Day

8th, Jan. I had a celemony of coming of age at Fukuoka City. It's important tradition in Japan, you know. However, something was strange for us... At first, I was surprised at the number of people were so many...about 1 milloion!! Since the celemony was held only once, the hall was filled with new adults. The first thing I felt strange was the period of it; it was separated into 2 parts, one is formal (20min.) and the other is informal (45 min.) . Additionally, in the formal period, the speech of the City mayor and City Chairperson was 5min. or so each... Really short!! In the informal part, Hakata Hanamaru Daikichi came, performed and talked. It was interesting and we enjoyed it. Since the celemony ended so fast, I didn't feel I was celebrated. What the charperson said was empty because of the shortage of time. As you know, there are some problems in holding this event, for some guys cannot stand sitting silently for long time, and actually there had some troubles with police and some bad guys... I wanted to drow a line between public through that, but I don't think I could...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also think ceremony of coming of age are getting kind of meaningless. I got confused about the meaning of the celemony. Some troubles occurs in the ceremony almost every year.