
Friday, December 21, 2007

The amount of melted ice became smallest

WMO (the World Meteorological Organization) showed that the area of ice at north pole became the smallest. The smallest amount of the ice at north pole was recorded in 2005, but in this year, the amount of the ice became 23 percent smaller than in 2005. Also, WMO showed that the ice decreases 10 percent in ten years from 1979, and the speed became faster and faster. This means that global warming became more serious. I was surprised to know that global warming became more serious though many people mention the word so many times. What should we do?


don said...

Recently, global warming is more and more serious problem in the world. We have to protect the blobal environment for next generation.

くじら12号 said...

It is a very serious problem. I think that the developed nation should do measures positively.