
Sunday, December 23, 2007


In Tokyo Ueni park, many people are affraid that ducks might not be able to fly to north because of metabolic syndrome. Therefore, Tokyo prefecture ban from not to feed ducks. However, a specialty said there are no need to be worry. Ducks get fat before they fly to north before spring and after they become thin again, so it is natural for them to get fat now. In my view point, even what a specialty said was true, it is not good to feed ducks too much. They may lose ability to hunt. I consider it is one of their joy to live. We cannot deprive their reason to live.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I can't believe that if ducks become too fat they're not able to fly. Anyway, I think you are right. There is no nesessity to feed ducks. They can live without human's feeding.