
Sunday, May 27, 2007

I love cats.

Do you have any pets? I have 2 cats as a pet. They are so fat but so cute! I love them. By the way, cats are said that moody and freedom. But, I heard that cats have vorious emotions than other animals such as jealousy, anger, pleasure and so on. In fact, when I play with the one, the other become to be in a bud humor. They are hurt and pleased esasily. Namely, they are very delicate like people, maybe more than !!


Satoko said...

I had a mamsuter.
This name is Maro.Maro was very very cute!!
Maro dided before 10 years.
But,I never forget forever.

くじら12号 said...

I like cats too. They are very freedom. However, it is good.