
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Good Will

There was a violation in the temp agency goodwill. I was surprised because I was working part-time by the goodwill. When the major company violates it, the industry receives a large influence. The industry heads for a better direction by so occurring. However, a social evaluation to the dispatch will fall for a while.


RAY said...

Umm... I was working in Good-Will too, but I never heard of the news. Would you explain it? Well, I thought Good-WIll is not so good company to work in.

may said...

I am working in Good-Will now. But I know this news on news papers and Good-Will itself talks nothing to me. Moreover, they still phone me and consult working! I also think it is not good company and I decide to quit it.

mu said...

I am working in another temporary employment agency.But I feel as if it were my own affair!

chie said...

I was really shocked when I heard this news because I worked part-time job same as you. I worried about just I can recieve my pay (゚Д゚;)

chie said...
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lonin said...

I am also surprised to hear the news. I'm working as a part time worker,too. So I want the company to deal with good!!