
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Having pets

Do you have pets? I think people tend to have many kinds of pet these days, not only dog or cats but also rare animals like reptile. Having pets often heals us and makes us lovely feelings. But some selfish pet owners easily throw away them! I suppose that pet owners should have responsibilities for their pets and realize that they keep a precious life. Japanese people seem to jump at rare or popular animals thoughtlessly...


apori said...

I have a dog. He is so cute!
I am healed whenever I am tired.

KOSUKE said...

I saw pet dog from bus in Hchiouji. I thougt pople have not only cat or dog.
Incidentally, I have a cat in my hometown.

ochi said...

I had a dog, but he dead when I was little. I loved my dog, so I feel sad when I saw a dog that threw away. I think recent pet owner is bad mannered. They don't think about pets. They just want to be healed thierself.

milk said...

I have a dog. I am always healed by my dog. Pets have strange power, I think.