
Monday, June 18, 2007


waking-skoking is a bad behavior as you know. I think it is good to smoke, because it is liberties. but I can't allow them to smoke with walking. because it is very dangerous for children. Height of cildren is just as same as position of adult's hands. So if tabako hits children's face, face may be burned. What do you think??


beaver said...

I agree with you. When I was a child, the tabacco which walking man had hit my head. It was so scary. I hope that to divide the place to smoke improve.

orange said...

I think it's a disgusting behavior as you wrote. Smokers should care about surrounding people in public space. Many smokers don't seem to notice the danger of walking-smoking.

AS said...

I don't like to smoke. But all my family smoke every day. They care a lot about person who doesn't smoke.