
Thursday, May 03, 2007

No smoking and Smokintg

I watch a news that no smoking taxi increases. I think the news is good. But, because I don't smoker. If I smoke man, I get angree with the news. But I think that recently somoking man and woman's manner is good. For example Portable ashtray and smoking area and more. I don't like but manner's smoker. I wish that smoker and not smoker live happily each other.


snow said...

I don't like bad manner's smoker too. Smoking with waik is worst.
It'S danger!!

ochi said...

I agree with this news. Because, smoke is damage to who does not smoking people than a person who smoking. Smoker's manner is not good. They smoke that they are walking.

polar bear said...

I think smoking with walking is the worst, too.
there may be good manner's smoker, but there are bad manner's smoker, too.
They have no morals.

someone said...

Smoking is bad for health of smoker and around the smoker. But If smoker knew it and the people smoke, the people smoke in the place prepared ashray.