
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bullying System in Japan

In my writing class, we get one assignment to write Problem-Solution essay "what can we do for decrease the number of suicide after being bullied or prevent the suicide with a bullying origin. Exactly, these days I often watch very sad news "students committing suicide after being bullied". "Some people says that Japan is a country that people tend (want?) to bully someone everytime whether they are aware of it or not", famous broadcaster said in his TV program. Thus, Bullying System exists in Japan, nation's mind. I don't necessalily think that the subconscious exists only Japanese, but is it one of the national characters? I also feel that this problem might be related to the discrimination against the minority such as Ainu and Buraku people. Even if it may be impossible to sweep away all bullying completely, what should be done? Or how should we change ourselves?

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