
Monday, November 06, 2006

Students committing suicide

Recently we hear news about students committing suicide because of bullying very often. It's too awful that young children are feeling helpless and despair and killing themselves. I also read news article about a principal who committed a suicide because of the required classes issues. I think that he shouldn't have done this not only because we should cherish our lives but also because he is a teacher. He was in a position to teach the students to cherish their precious lives, and help out students from committing suicide. He should have been a person to teach how wrong and tragic suicides are to the children, not kill himselves. I suppose the required classes isuue wasn't the only reason he killed himself, but it's vexing that he did this when we are trying to find a way to show a light to live for the bullyed children. We need to make a environment to help the children from bully by the cooperation of school, family and the government. All the adults and all children ofcourse needs to care about this issue. There's no easy and simple solutions to this problem. We need a great care and perseverance.

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