
Sunday, November 05, 2006


In these days, smoking in Aoyama Gakuin univeusity is distinguished. In Sagamihara Campus, some students are same age as me, but they are smoking. So this time, I think about smoking. According to the World Health Organization, smoking kills three million people worldwide each year, and is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the developed world. It is amazing that, in the US, more people are killed by cigarettes than drugs like heroin, auto crashes, homicides and suicides combined. Also in Japan, there is a problem that young people’s smoking. Young boys & girls’ health care are too bad. Their life style is very irregular and has a lot of risk. Cigarette relates most to this serious problem that is now occurring in this society. How can we solve this problem? Nicotine, a drug in tobacco, is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Children and young people often have little understanding of the concept of addiction, and are likely to start smoking because they think it is ‘cool’ to smoke. I think the most important action is to know the danger of cigarette. First, smoking causes lung cancer, and other kind of sickness. Tobacco effects a person under eighteen ten times more than an adult. It means if young people smoke, the percentage of death resulted from smoking goes up. Second, nicotine has a property of dependency. So if you smoke once, you can’t stop smoking because of smoking. It can make free us from stress but not good for our body. Third, smoking has very bad influence on the people around. Smell of tar make people feel worse and the smoke of tobacco make people cough. Smoking has bad influence on your own body, and also other people. These facts are clearly proven by over 50000 studies on tobacco and health in dozens of countries. Nevertheless the problem still not solved. Since in Japan, there are a lot of advertisements about tobacco. A large billboard like “today I smoke”, on the magazine, on the train, at the station and so on. And in Japan, there is a tobacco dispenser. This is the biggest reason why the problem not resolves. I think the government should restrain the advertisement of tobacco. I think it is difficult to stop smoking. But for our age, we must stop smoking. Tobacco effects a person under eighteen ten times than an adult. There are many ways to make free from stress for our age. Do exercise, play outside with friends, you can do anything you like. So I think young people can stop smoking.

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